Comfort Cushions

Support for Mastectomy, Lumpectomy, Reconstruction, Heart Surgery and Abdominal Surgery

You will find cushions in darker colours such as black, grey, navy blue, brown… with the guarantee that they will be made with care and attention to give you or your loved one the comfort they need during their recovery.

Men and breast cancer

Men get breast cancer too. Luckily it is rare.
About 400 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK. That’s about 1% of all breast cancer cases.

Not every one knows men can get breast cancer, including men themselves, resulting in a later diagnosis.

The symptoms are the same as female breast cancer (lump, swelling, redness, flaky skin, skin irritation, discharge, pain) and generally affect men over 60, though younger men can be affected too. Surgery is a mastectomy because men have a small amount of breast tissue.

Men and heart disease

According to the British Heart Foundation, 4 million men and 3.6 million women are living with heart and circulatory diseases in the UK.

During recovery from surgery, coughing is essential to clear the lungs. This prevents pneumonia.

It is painful to cough after heart surgery so to lessen the pain, patients are advised to apply a pillow or a rolled towel to their chest and apply gently pressure.

Cushions specially designed to help in this process are called Cough cushions.

Who makes Breast cancer cushions and Cough cushions for men ?

I do.

You will find cushions in darker colours such as black, grey, navy blue, brown… with the guarantee that they will be made with care and attention to give you or your loved one the comfort they need during their recovery.

If you or your family are affected by male breast cancer or recovering from heart surgery, I wish you or your loved one a very good recovery.

What about men ?”


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